Privacy Policy

Site Privacy Policy  

Weiss Asset Management Foundation (“WAM Foundation,” “we” or “us”) respects your (“you,” “your” or “User”)  concerns about privacy. This Privacy Policy describes the types of personal information we collect on (the “Site”), how we may use the information and the purposes for which we may use it,  with whom we may share it and the choices available to you. We also describe the measures we take to safeguard  the information and tell you how to contact us about our privacy practices. This Privacy Policy covers only  information collected through the Site unless otherwise stated. By visiting or submitting information to the Site, you  are accepting and consenting to the provisions set forth in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy  Policy, please do not use the Site. This Privacy Policy may be changed at any time. Please read this Privacy Policy  carefully to understand what we do with your information.  

How We Collect and Use Information

We explain here what categories of personal information we collect, where we got it from, and with whom we have shared it:  

Category of Personal Information Collected Source Purpose for Collection Categories of Recipients
Contact information: such as name, address, or phone number, and email address. From you when you provide it to us on the Site or otherwise. To communicate with and respond you about our products and services, including verification of identity or to meet legal obligations. We may share this information with our affiliates and select marketing, information technology, or other service providers and partners.
Employment information: education information, professional employment information, such as work and military history, legal work eligibility status, and other information about you. From you when you apply for a job with us. To evaluate candidates for hire and meet our legal obligations to verify identity and complete background checks. We may share this information with our affiliates, information technology or other service providers and partners.
Browsing information: such as your IP address, MAC address or other Device identifier, the kind of browser or computer you use, pages and content that you visit on the Site, what you click on, the state and country from which you access the Site, date and time of your visit, and web pages you linked to our Site from. Our Site and your interactions with the Site, including through the use of cookies and other tracking technologies explained further below under “Information we Collect Automatically” To evaluate usage of the Site and improve performance and remember your preferences; to protect the security and integrity of the Site and our business, such as preventing fraud, hacking, and other criminal activity or to meet legal obligations. Our service providers who help us with fraud protection and website analytics.
Suspected crime information: details of your identity, image, name, and address, suspected or alleged thefts, fraud, assault or other criminal behavior. From crime and fraud prevention agencies, from you, witnesses, and from the police. To protect customers, the public and our business against risks and crime. Law enforcement and other governmental authorities in accordance with applicable law, and our professional advisors.
Business relationship information: details of your identity, business relationship with us, data collected through interactions such as emails, calls (including recorded calls, signified by a beep during the call) and meetings. You or the entity for which you work To provide services to you or the entity for which you work or for our legitimate interests. We may share this information with our affiliates and select marketing, information technology, or other service providers and partners.

Information We Collect Automatically

For purposes of collecting some of the above information, we may use tracking tools on the Site, such as cookies  and other similar technologies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with  a better experience when you use the website and allows us to improve it. A cookie is a small file of letters and  numbers that we store on your browser or the hard drive of your computer or mobile device. For example, cookies  can be used to collect information about your use of the website during your current session and over time  (including the webpages you view and the files you download), your operating system and browser type, your  internet service provider, your domain name and IP address, the website that you visited before our website, and the  link that you use to leave our website.  

We use the following types of cookies: analytical cookies.  

The Site uses the following cookies for the described purposes:  

Cookies Provider Tracker Type Name Expires Description
[collect] Pixel Tracker Session Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor’s device, terminal and behavior.

Users in certain countries, including the UK and Europe, are able to manage actively the non-essential cookies used  by the Site through the pop-up bar on the Site. The Site will only deploy these non-essential cookies with the user’s  opt-in consent.  

If you are concerned about having cookies on your computer, you can set your browser to refuse all cookies or to  indicate when a cookie is being set, allowing you to decide whether to accept it. You can also delete cookies from  your computer. However, if you choose to block or delete cookies, certain features of the website may not operate  

correctly. For more information see This website uses Google Analytics tracking  software to help us better understand our visitors and how they use the website. For more information, please visit  Google’s “Privacy & Terms” website. We do not currently recognize or respond to browser initiated Do Not Track  signals.  

How We Disclose Information 

In addition to as disclosed above, we also may disclose personal information about you (1) if we are required to do  so by law or legal process (such as a court order or subpoena) or on contractual grounds; (2) in response to requests  by government agencies, such as law enforcement authorities; (3) to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights;  (4) when we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical or other harm or financial loss; (5) for  our legitimate interests or those of a third party including, but not limited to, in connection with an investigation of  suspected or actual illegal activity; (6) otherwise with your consent; (7) in connection with a corporate transaction  such as a financing or sale of all or part of WAM Foundation; or (8) in an aggregated and anonymized format for  use in, for example, website and customer usage trend reports. We do not sell your personal information and have  not done so in the past 12 months.  

Site Not Directed to Children Under 13 

The Site is not directed to individuals under the age of thirteen (13). Consistent with the Children’s Online Privacy  Protection Act of 1998, we do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals who are under 13.  

Third Party Links 

For your convenience and information, the Site may contain links to other online services, and may include third party features such as apps, tools, widgets and plug-ins. These online services and third-party features operate  independently of WAM Foundation. The privacy practices of these third parties, including details on the information  they may collect about you, is subject to their own privacy policies or notices, which we strongly suggest you  review. We are not responsible for the content of any online services that are not affiliated with WAM Foundation,  any use of those services, or the privacy practices of those services.  

The providers of third-party apps, tools, and plug-ins on the Site also may use automated means to collect  information regarding your interactions with these features. These third parties may collect information about your  online activities over time and across third-party websites. This information is collected directly by the providers of  the features and is subject to the privacy policies or notices of these providers. To the extent permitted by applicable  law, we are not responsible for these providers’ information practices.  

How We Protect Your Information

Information security is important to WAM Foundation. We follow generally accepted industry security standards to  safeguard and help prevent unauthorized access to or use of your personal information. However, like other  companies, we cannot guarantee the 100% security or confidentiality of your personal information. Consequently,  while we endeavor to safeguard your personal information against unauthorized access and disclosure, we do not  warrant or guarantee the absolute security of any personal information.  

Privacy Rights—Non-US Residents 

Individuals in Andorra, Argentina, Australia, California, Canada, Europe, Faroe Islands, Guernsey, Hong Kong,  Israel, Isle of Man, Japan, Jersey, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, the United  Kingdom, Uruguay, and certain other jurisdictions may have certain data subject rights. These rights vary, but they  may include the right to: (i) request access to and rectification or erasure of their personal data; (ii) restrict or object  to the processing of their personal data; and (iii) obtain a copy of their personal data in a portable format. Individuals  may also have the right to lodge a complaint about the processing of personal data with a data protection authority.  All of these rights are subject to the exemptions and restrictions in the applicable laws.  

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please email with the phrase “Data Subject  Rights” in the subject line. We will review your requests and respond accordingly. The rights described herein are  not absolute and we reserve all of our rights available to us at law in this regard. Additionally, if we retain your  Personal Information only in de-identified form, we will not attempt to re-identify your data in response to a Data  Subject Rights request.  

If you make a request related to Personal Information about you, we will need to verify your identity. To do so, we  will request that you match specific pieces of information you have provided us previously, as well as, in some  instances, provide a signed declaration under penalty of perjury that you are the consumer whose personal  information is the subject of the request. If it is necessary to collect additional information from you, we will use the  information only for verification purposes and will delete it as soon as practicable after complying the request. For  requests related to particularly sensitive information, we may require additional proof of identification.  

If you make a Data Subject Rights request through an authorized agent, we will require written proof that the agent  is authorized to act on your behalf.  

We will process your request within the time provided by applicable law. We do not discriminate against you, for  example, by offering a different level of service, for exercising any of these rights.  

International Users—Cross-Border Transfer 

The Site is operated primarily in the United States. If you are located outside of the United States, please note that  any information you provide to us will be transferred to the United States, which may have laws that are different  than the data protection or consumer protection laws in your home country. Your information may be available to  government authorities under lawful orders and law applicable in such jurisdictions. By using the Site or providing  

us with your information, you consent to this transfer. The Site is not intended or authorized for use by a person in  any country or other region where such use would be contrary to any applicable laws or regulations.  

Your California Privacy Rights 

California’s “Shine the Light” law permits California residents to annually request and obtain information free of  charge about what personal information is disclosed to third parties for direct marketing purposes in the preceding  calendar year. We do not distribute your personal information to outside parties without your consent for their direct  marketing. 

If you are a California resident, California law provides you with the following additional rights with respect to your  personal information:  

  • The right to know what personal information we have collected, used, disclosed and sold about  you. To submit a request to know, you may email us at You also may  designate an authorized agent to make a request for access on your behalf.  

  • The right to request that we delete any personal information we have collected about you. To  submit a request for deletion, you may email us at You also may  designate an authorized agent to make a request for deletion on your behalf.  

When you exercise these rights and submit a proper request to us, we will verify your identity by asking you for  your email address, telephone number, and/or information about your account with WAM Foundation. We also may  use a third-party verification provider to verify your identity. WAM Foundation will endeavor to honor requests  unless they are properly directed at one of our applicable clients or a lawful exemption under the CCPA applies.  Please note that WAM Foundation is only required to honor such requests twice in a 12-month period.  

Your exercise of these rights will have no adverse effect on the price and quality of our goods or services.  

For the 12-month period prior to the date of this Privacy Policy, WAM Foundation has not sold any personal  information about visitors to the Site; nor does it have any plans to do so in the future.  

Changes to This Policy 

This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically and without prior notice to you to reflect changes in our  information practices and applicable law. We suggest that you periodically review the Privacy Policy for  amendments.  

Contact Us 

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at